Free on the Inside began as a prison ministry in the mid 1990’s under the vision and direction of Richard Wade and was designed to present Bible based teaching and principles in down to earth, rubber meets the road language. This teaching, accompanied by worship and fellowship has been the staple of our ministry. As Free on the Inside grew within the Oregon correctional system, Richard desired to see it expand and serve to build bridges for inmates and the community resources they would need as they return home. Over the last 20 years, Free on the Inside has continued to serve those incarcerated in the Oregon correctional system, and has expanded to serving those coming from a variety of life styles and situations. We work to connect people with resources that will promote success and lessen recidivism, and we offer an open door to all. Richard’s desire was to be the light that is so often dimmed when our struggles become more than we can handle on our own, and in his memory, Free on the Inside continues to be exactly that.